
set_game_demo module

A simple demo of the game of "Set".

Copyright (c) 2016 Ryan Parman.

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

A simple demo of the game of "Set".

Copyright (c) 2016 [Ryan Parman](


from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import collections
import itertools
import random
import six
from prettytable import PrettyTable

class SetGame(object):
    "Set" is a card game where a group of players try to identify a _Set_ of cards from those placed face-up on a table.

    **Game Rules:**

    Each _Card_ has an image on it with 4 orthogonal attributes:

    * Color (red, green, or purple)
    * Shape (diamond, squiggle, or oval)
    * Shading (solid, empty, or striped)
    * Number (one, two, or three)

    Three _Cards_ are a part of a _Set_ if, for each _Property_, the values are all the same or all different.

    For example:

    * The _Cards_ "two red solid squiggles", "one green solid diamond", "three purple solid ovals" would make up a
      _Set_. (number, shape, and color are different, shading is the same)
    * The _Cards_ "two red solid squiggles", "one green solid squiggles", "three purple solid ovals" would not make up a
      _Set_, because shape is the same on two _Cards_, but different on the third.
    * A _Game_ of "Set" starts by dealing 12 _Cards_, face-up. When a player sees three _Cards_ that make up a _Set_,
      they yell "Set!" and grab the _Cards_. New _Cards_ are dealt from the _Deck_ to replace them.
    * If no player can find a _Set_, three more _Cards_ are dealt (to make 15, then 18, then 21...)
    * The _Game_ is over when there are no _Cards_ left in the _Deck_, and no _Sets_ left on the table. The player with
      the most _Sets_ wins.

    **Game Requirements:**

    Your task is to model the _Game_ in code, and implement the following methods:

    * A method that takes three _Cards_, and determines whether the three _Cards_ make a _Set_.
    * A method that given a _Board_ of _Cards_, will either find a _Set_, or determine that there are no _Sets_ on the
    * A method that will play an entire _Game_ of "Set", from beginning to end, and return a list of each valid _Sets_
      you removed from the _Board_.

    For this last method, there will be multiple correct solutions, but any valid list of _Sets_ is fine.


    Tested against the following Python versions:

    * Python 2.7
    * Python 3.3
    * Python 3.4
    * Python 3.5
    * Python 3.6 (beta)
    * Pypy (~2.7.10)
    * Pypy3 (~3.2.5)


        from set_game_demo import SetGame


    def __init__(self):
        Constructs a new instance of this class.

        self.colors = ["red", "green", "purple"]
        self.shapes = ["diamond", "squiggle", "oval"]
        self.shadings = ["solid", "empty", "striped"]
        self.numbers = ["one", "two", "three"]

        deck = []

        for color in self.colors:
            for shape in self.shapes:
                for shading in self.shadings:
                    for number in self.numbers:
                        card = {}
                        card["color"] = color
                        card["shape"] = shape
                        card["shading"] = shading
                        card["number"] = number



        self.deck = collections.deque(deck)
        self.board = []
        self.sets = []

    def deal(self, cards=12):
        Deals a given number of cards from the top (front) of the deck.

        `cards (integer)`: The number of cards to deal out to the board. The default value is `12`.

        `return (cards[])`: A list (i.e., array) of objects representing cards.

        out = []

        for _ in six.moves.range(cards):

        return out

    def play(self):  # pragma: no cover
        Play a (chatty) game of Set.

        `return (void)`
        # pylint: disable=R0915

        # Introduction
        print("Welcome to a game of Set.")
        six.moves.input("=> Press any key to continue...")

        # First deal
        print("Dealing 12 cards onto the board.")
        self.board =
        print("Cards on the board: {}".format(len(self.board)))
        print("Cards in the deck:  {}".format(len(self.deck)))
        print("Sets discovered:    {}".format(len(self.sets)))
        six.moves.input("=> Press any key to continue...")

        while len(self.deck) > 0:
            # Find sets
            sets = self.find_sets(self.board)
            print("Discovered {quantity}.".format(
                quantity=SetGame.plural(len(sets), "set", "sets")

            for i, sset in enumerate(sets):
                print("Set #{index}".format(index=(i + 1)))

            print("These are the remaining {quantity} on the board.".format(
                quantity=SetGame.plural(len(self.board), "card", "cards")
            self.sets += sets
            six.moves.input("=> Press any key to continue...")

            # Deal 3 more cards
            self.board +=
            print("Dealing 3 more cards. You now have {quantity} on the board.".format(
                quantity=SetGame.plural(len(self.board), "card", "cards")
            print("Cards on the board: {}".format(len(self.board)))
            print("Cards in the deck:  {}".format(len(self.deck)))
            print("Sets discovered:    {}".format(len(self.sets)))
            six.moves.input("=> Press any key to continue...")

        # Find the very last set(s)
        sets = self.find_sets(self.board)
        print("Discovered {quantity}.".format(
            quantity=SetGame.plural(len(sets), "set", "sets")

        for i, sset in enumerate(sets):
            print("Set #{index}".format(index=(i + 1)))

        print("These are the remaining {quantity} on the board.".format(
            quantity=SetGame.plural(len(self.board), "card", "cards")
        self.sets += sets
        six.moves.input("=> Press any key to continue...")

        # No more cards in the deck.
        print("There are no more cards left in the deck.")
        print("These are the {} that are left on the table.".format(
            SetGame.plural(len(self.board), "card", "cards")
        six.moves.input("=> Congratulations! You have completed the game. Press any key to see the results.")

        # Final score.
        print("You discovered {quantity}.".format(
            quantity=SetGame.plural(len(self.sets), "set", "sets")

        for i, sset in enumerate(self.sets):
            print("Set #{index}".format(index=(i + 1)))

        # All done.
        print("Please play again!")

    def play_quiet(self):
        Play a (quiet) game of Set.

        `return (tuple(integer, sets[]))`: Returns a tuple where the first item is the number of Sets discovered. The
            second item is the complete list of Sets.
        self.board =

        # Find sets and re-deal until we are out of cards.
        while len(self.deck) > 0:
            self.sets += self.find_sets(self.board)
            self.board +=

        # Find the very last set(s).
        self.sets += self.find_sets(self.board)

        # Return a tuple
        return (len(self.sets), self.sets)

    def display_cards(cards):  # pragma: no cover
        Accepts an array of cards, and renders them for humans in a table to `stdout`.

        `cards (cards[])`: A list (i.e., array) of objects representing cards.

        `return (void)`

        table = PrettyTable(["Number", "Color", "Shape", "Shading"])

        for card in cards:
            table.add_row([card["number"], card["color"], card["shape"], card["shading"]])


    def is_a_set(card1, card2, card3):
        Determines whether a group of 3 cards is a _set_ or not.

        `card1 (card)`: A card object to compare against other card objects.

        `card2 (card)`: A card object to compare against other card objects.

        `card3 (card)`: A card object to compare against other card objects.

        `return (boolean)`: Whether or not the given cards represent a _Set_. A value of `True` means that the group is
            a set. A value of `False` means that the group is _not_ a set.

        for attribute in ["color", "shape", "shading", "number"]:
            if (SetGame.__all_unique([
                ]) is False

                    and SetGame.__all_same([
                    ]) is False):

                return False

        # Did we actually make it all the way here?
        return True

    def find_sets(board):
        Given a _Board_ of cards, determines whether or not it contains a _Set_.

        `board (cards[])`: A list (i.e., array) of Cards that are on the Board.

        `return (sets[])`: A list (i.e., array) of Sets. Each Set contains 3 Cards.

        sets = []

        # Calculate the initial set of combinations.
        combinations = itertools.combinations(six.moves.range(len(board)), 3)

        # Run until we explicitly break.
        while True:

            # Grab the combination.
            combination = next(combinations, None)

            # As long as we didn't get a `None` back...
            while combination is not None:

                # Check to see if the three cards we got back for this combination are a Set.
                if SetGame.is_a_set(board[combination[0]], board[combination[1]], board[combination[2]]) is True:

                    # If so, save them.
                    sets.append([board[combination[0]], board[combination[1]], board[combination[2]]])

                    # After we save the Set, remove the cards from the Board.
                    # Python list indexes collapse automatically, so remove from the end first.
                    del board[combination[2]]
                    del board[combination[1]]
                    del board[combination[0]]

                    # This means that we now need to recalculate the Board, and start our loop over again.
                    combinations = itertools.combinations(six.moves.range(len(board)), 3)

                    # Move on to the next combination in the list.
                    combination = next(combinations, None)

            # If we have reached the end of the list of combinations, quit.
            if combination is None:

        # Return all matching sets.
        return sets

    def __all_unique(arr):
        Determines whether or not a `List` of values are all unique.

        `arr (scalar[])`: A list (i.e., array) of scalar values to compare.

        `return (boolean)`: Whether or not a `List` of values are all different. A value of `True` means that the values
            are all unique. A value of `False` means that the values are not all unique.

        return len(set(arr)) == len(arr)

    def __all_same(arr):
        Determines whether or not a `List` of values are all identical.

        `arr (scalar[])`: A list (i.e., array) of scalar values to compare.

        `return (boolean)`: Whether or not a `List` of values are all identical. A value of `True` means that the values
            are all identical. A value of `False` means that the values are not all identical.

        return len(set(arr)) == 1

    def plural(count, singular, plural):
        Determines whether a response should be singular or plural, depending on the number of items being referenced.

        `count (integer)`: The number of items to adjust language for.

        `singular (string)`: The singular version of the phrasing.

        `plural (string)`: The plural version of the phrasing.

        `return (string)`: A properly-formatted string.

        return "{count} {word}".format(
        ) if count == 1 else "{count} {word}".format(

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def main():  # pragma: no cover
    This function is run when the script is executed from the command-line.

    # Available CLI flags.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Play a game of Set.",

        "-q", "--quiet",
        help="By default, the game will play in chatty, interactive mode. "
        "This will enable a quieter, results-only mode.")

    flags = parser.parse_args()
    game = SetGame()

    if flags.quiet:
        discovered, sets = game.play_quiet()
        print("You discovered {quantity}.".format(
            quantity=SetGame.plural(discovered, "set", "sets")

        for i, sset in enumerate(sets):
            print("Set #{index}".format(index=(i + 1)))


if __name__ == "__main__":  # pragma: no cover


def main(


This function is run when the script is executed from the command-line.

def main():  # pragma: no cover
    This function is run when the script is executed from the command-line.

    # Available CLI flags.
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Play a game of Set.",

        "-q", "--quiet",
        help="By default, the game will play in chatty, interactive mode. "
        "This will enable a quieter, results-only mode.")

    flags = parser.parse_args()
    game = SetGame()

    if flags.quiet:
        discovered, sets = game.play_quiet()
        print("You discovered {quantity}.".format(
            quantity=SetGame.plural(discovered, "set", "sets")

        for i, sset in enumerate(sets):
            print("Set #{index}".format(index=(i + 1)))



class SetGame

"Set" is a card game where a group of players try to identify a Set of cards from those placed face-up on a table.

Game Rules:

Each Card has an image on it with 4 orthogonal attributes:

  • Color (red, green, or purple)
  • Shape (diamond, squiggle, or oval)
  • Shading (solid, empty, or striped)
  • Number (one, two, or three)

Three Cards are a part of a Set if, for each Property, the values are all the same or all different.

For example:

  • The Cards "two red solid squiggles", "one green solid diamond", "three purple solid ovals" would make up a Set. (number, shape, and color are different, shading is the same)
  • The Cards "two red solid squiggles", "one green solid squiggles", "three purple solid ovals" would not make up a Set, because shape is the same on two Cards, but different on the third.
  • A Game of "Set" starts by dealing 12 Cards, face-up. When a player sees three Cards that make up a Set, they yell "Set!" and grab the Cards. New Cards are dealt from the Deck to replace them.
  • If no player can find a Set, three more Cards are dealt (to make 15, then 18, then 21...)
  • The Game is over when there are no Cards left in the Deck, and no Sets left on the table. The player with the most Sets wins.

Game Requirements:

Your task is to model the Game in code, and implement the following methods:

  • A method that takes three Cards, and determines whether the three Cards make a Set.
  • A method that given a Board of Cards, will either find a Set, or determine that there are no Sets on the table.
  • A method that will play an entire Game of "Set", from beginning to end, and return a list of each valid Sets you removed from the Board.

For this last method, there will be multiple correct solutions, but any valid list of Sets is fine.


Tested against the following Python versions:

  • Python 2.7
  • Python 3.3
  • Python 3.4
  • Python 3.5
  • Python 3.6 (beta)
  • Pypy (~2.7.10)
  • Pypy3 (~3.2.5)


from set_game_demo import SetGame
class SetGame(object):
    "Set" is a card game where a group of players try to identify a _Set_ of cards from those placed face-up on a table.

    **Game Rules:**

    Each _Card_ has an image on it with 4 orthogonal attributes:

    * Color (red, green, or purple)
    * Shape (diamond, squiggle, or oval)
    * Shading (solid, empty, or striped)
    * Number (one, two, or three)

    Three _Cards_ are a part of a _Set_ if, for each _Property_, the values are all the same or all different.

    For example:

    * The _Cards_ "two red solid squiggles", "one green solid diamond", "three purple solid ovals" would make up a
      _Set_. (number, shape, and color are different, shading is the same)
    * The _Cards_ "two red solid squiggles", "one green solid squiggles", "three purple solid ovals" would not make up a
      _Set_, because shape is the same on two _Cards_, but different on the third.
    * A _Game_ of "Set" starts by dealing 12 _Cards_, face-up. When a player sees three _Cards_ that make up a _Set_,
      they yell "Set!" and grab the _Cards_. New _Cards_ are dealt from the _Deck_ to replace them.
    * If no player can find a _Set_, three more _Cards_ are dealt (to make 15, then 18, then 21...)
    * The _Game_ is over when there are no _Cards_ left in the _Deck_, and no _Sets_ left on the table. The player with
      the most _Sets_ wins.

    **Game Requirements:**

    Your task is to model the _Game_ in code, and implement the following methods:

    * A method that takes three _Cards_, and determines whether the three _Cards_ make a _Set_.
    * A method that given a _Board_ of _Cards_, will either find a _Set_, or determine that there are no _Sets_ on the
    * A method that will play an entire _Game_ of "Set", from beginning to end, and return a list of each valid _Sets_
      you removed from the _Board_.

    For this last method, there will be multiple correct solutions, but any valid list of _Sets_ is fine.


    Tested against the following Python versions:

    * Python 2.7
    * Python 3.3
    * Python 3.4
    * Python 3.5
    * Python 3.6 (beta)
    * Pypy (~2.7.10)
    * Pypy3 (~3.2.5)


        from set_game_demo import SetGame


    def __init__(self):
        Constructs a new instance of this class.

        self.colors = ["red", "green", "purple"]
        self.shapes = ["diamond", "squiggle", "oval"]
        self.shadings = ["solid", "empty", "striped"]
        self.numbers = ["one", "two", "three"]

        deck = []

        for color in self.colors:
            for shape in self.shapes:
                for shading in self.shadings:
                    for number in self.numbers:
                        card = {}
                        card["color"] = color
                        card["shape"] = shape
                        card["shading"] = shading
                        card["number"] = number



        self.deck = collections.deque(deck)
        self.board = []
        self.sets = []

    def deal(self, cards=12):
        Deals a given number of cards from the top (front) of the deck.

        `cards (integer)`: The number of cards to deal out to the board. The default value is `12`.

        `return (cards[])`: A list (i.e., array) of objects representing cards.

        out = []

        for _ in six.moves.range(cards):

        return out

    def play(self):  # pragma: no cover
        Play a (chatty) game of Set.

        `return (void)`
        # pylint: disable=R0915

        # Introduction
        print("Welcome to a game of Set.")
        six.moves.input("=> Press any key to continue...")

        # First deal
        print("Dealing 12 cards onto the board.")
        self.board =
        print("Cards on the board: {}".format(len(self.board)))
        print("Cards in the deck:  {}".format(len(self.deck)))
        print("Sets discovered:    {}".format(len(self.sets)))
        six.moves.input("=> Press any key to continue...")

        while len(self.deck) > 0:
            # Find sets
            sets = self.find_sets(self.board)
            print("Discovered {quantity}.".format(
                quantity=SetGame.plural(len(sets), "set", "sets")

            for i, sset in enumerate(sets):
                print("Set #{index}".format(index=(i + 1)))

            print("These are the remaining {quantity} on the board.".format(
                quantity=SetGame.plural(len(self.board), "card", "cards")
            self.sets += sets
            six.moves.input("=> Press any key to continue...")

            # Deal 3 more cards
            self.board +=
            print("Dealing 3 more cards. You now have {quantity} on the board.".format(
                quantity=SetGame.plural(len(self.board), "card", "cards")
            print("Cards on the board: {}".format(len(self.board)))
            print("Cards in the deck:  {}".format(len(self.deck)))
            print("Sets discovered:    {}".format(len(self.sets)))
            six.moves.input("=> Press any key to continue...")

        # Find the very last set(s)
        sets = self.find_sets(self.board)
        print("Discovered {quantity}.".format(
            quantity=SetGame.plural(len(sets), "set", "sets")

        for i, sset in enumerate(sets):
            print("Set #{index}".format(index=(i + 1)))

        print("These are the remaining {quantity} on the board.".format(
            quantity=SetGame.plural(len(self.board), "card", "cards")
        self.sets += sets
        six.moves.input("=> Press any key to continue...")

        # No more cards in the deck.
        print("There are no more cards left in the deck.")
        print("These are the {} that are left on the table.".format(
            SetGame.plural(len(self.board), "card", "cards")
        six.moves.input("=> Congratulations! You have completed the game. Press any key to see the results.")

        # Final score.
        print("You discovered {quantity}.".format(
            quantity=SetGame.plural(len(self.sets), "set", "sets")

        for i, sset in enumerate(self.sets):
            print("Set #{index}".format(index=(i + 1)))

        # All done.
        print("Please play again!")

    def play_quiet(self):
        Play a (quiet) game of Set.

        `return (tuple(integer, sets[]))`: Returns a tuple where the first item is the number of Sets discovered. The
            second item is the complete list of Sets.
        self.board =

        # Find sets and re-deal until we are out of cards.
        while len(self.deck) > 0:
            self.sets += self.find_sets(self.board)
            self.board +=

        # Find the very last set(s).
        self.sets += self.find_sets(self.board)

        # Return a tuple
        return (len(self.sets), self.sets)

    def display_cards(cards):  # pragma: no cover
        Accepts an array of cards, and renders them for humans in a table to `stdout`.

        `cards (cards[])`: A list (i.e., array) of objects representing cards.

        `return (void)`

        table = PrettyTable(["Number", "Color", "Shape", "Shading"])

        for card in cards:
            table.add_row([card["number"], card["color"], card["shape"], card["shading"]])


    def is_a_set(card1, card2, card3):
        Determines whether a group of 3 cards is a _set_ or not.

        `card1 (card)`: A card object to compare against other card objects.

        `card2 (card)`: A card object to compare against other card objects.

        `card3 (card)`: A card object to compare against other card objects.

        `return (boolean)`: Whether or not the given cards represent a _Set_. A value of `True` means that the group is
            a set. A value of `False` means that the group is _not_ a set.

        for attribute in ["color", "shape", "shading", "number"]:
            if (SetGame.__all_unique([
                ]) is False

                    and SetGame.__all_same([
                    ]) is False):

                return False

        # Did we actually make it all the way here?
        return True

    def find_sets(board):
        Given a _Board_ of cards, determines whether or not it contains a _Set_.

        `board (cards[])`: A list (i.e., array) of Cards that are on the Board.

        `return (sets[])`: A list (i.e., array) of Sets. Each Set contains 3 Cards.

        sets = []

        # Calculate the initial set of combinations.
        combinations = itertools.combinations(six.moves.range(len(board)), 3)

        # Run until we explicitly break.
        while True:

            # Grab the combination.
            combination = next(combinations, None)

            # As long as we didn't get a `None` back...
            while combination is not None:

                # Check to see if the three cards we got back for this combination are a Set.
                if SetGame.is_a_set(board[combination[0]], board[combination[1]], board[combination[2]]) is True:

                    # If so, save them.
                    sets.append([board[combination[0]], board[combination[1]], board[combination[2]]])

                    # After we save the Set, remove the cards from the Board.
                    # Python list indexes collapse automatically, so remove from the end first.
                    del board[combination[2]]
                    del board[combination[1]]
                    del board[combination[0]]

                    # This means that we now need to recalculate the Board, and start our loop over again.
                    combinations = itertools.combinations(six.moves.range(len(board)), 3)

                    # Move on to the next combination in the list.
                    combination = next(combinations, None)

            # If we have reached the end of the list of combinations, quit.
            if combination is None:

        # Return all matching sets.
        return sets

    def __all_unique(arr):
        Determines whether or not a `List` of values are all unique.

        `arr (scalar[])`: A list (i.e., array) of scalar values to compare.

        `return (boolean)`: Whether or not a `List` of values are all different. A value of `True` means that the values
            are all unique. A value of `False` means that the values are not all unique.

        return len(set(arr)) == len(arr)

    def __all_same(arr):
        Determines whether or not a `List` of values are all identical.

        `arr (scalar[])`: A list (i.e., array) of scalar values to compare.

        `return (boolean)`: Whether or not a `List` of values are all identical. A value of `True` means that the values
            are all identical. A value of `False` means that the values are not all identical.

        return len(set(arr)) == 1

    def plural(count, singular, plural):
        Determines whether a response should be singular or plural, depending on the number of items being referenced.

        `count (integer)`: The number of items to adjust language for.

        `singular (string)`: The singular version of the phrasing.

        `plural (string)`: The plural version of the phrasing.

        `return (string)`: A properly-formatted string.

        return "{count} {word}".format(
        ) if count == 1 else "{count} {word}".format(

Ancestors (in MRO)

Static methods

def display_cards(


Accepts an array of cards, and renders them for humans in a table to stdout.

cards (cards[]): A list (i.e., array) of objects representing cards.

return (void)

def display_cards(cards):  # pragma: no cover
    Accepts an array of cards, and renders them for humans in a table to `stdout`.
    `cards (cards[])`: A list (i.e., array) of objects representing cards.
    `return (void)`
    table = PrettyTable(["Number", "Color", "Shape", "Shading"])
    for card in cards:
        table.add_row([card["number"], card["color"], card["shape"], card["shading"]])

def find_sets(


Given a Board of cards, determines whether or not it contains a Set.

board (cards[]): A list (i.e., array) of Cards that are on the Board.

return (sets[]): A list (i.e., array) of Sets. Each Set contains 3 Cards.

def find_sets(board):
    Given a _Board_ of cards, determines whether or not it contains a _Set_.
    `board (cards[])`: A list (i.e., array) of Cards that are on the Board.
    `return (sets[])`: A list (i.e., array) of Sets. Each Set contains 3 Cards.
    sets = []
    # Calculate the initial set of combinations.
    combinations = itertools.combinations(six.moves.range(len(board)), 3)
    # Run until we explicitly break.
    while True:
        # Grab the combination.
        combination = next(combinations, None)
        # As long as we didn't get a `None` back...
        while combination is not None:
            # Check to see if the three cards we got back for this combination are a Set.
            if SetGame.is_a_set(board[combination[0]], board[combination[1]], board[combination[2]]) is True:
                # If so, save them.
                sets.append([board[combination[0]], board[combination[1]], board[combination[2]]])
                # After we save the Set, remove the cards from the Board.
                # Python list indexes collapse automatically, so remove from the end first.
                del board[combination[2]]
                del board[combination[1]]
                del board[combination[0]]
                # This means that we now need to recalculate the Board, and start our loop over again.
                combinations = itertools.combinations(six.moves.range(len(board)), 3)
                # Move on to the next combination in the list.
                combination = next(combinations, None)
        # If we have reached the end of the list of combinations, quit.
        if combination is None:
    # Return all matching sets.
    return sets

def is_a_set(

card1, card2, card3)

Determines whether a group of 3 cards is a set or not.

card1 (card): A card object to compare against other card objects.

card2 (card): A card object to compare against other card objects.

card3 (card): A card object to compare against other card objects.

return (boolean): Whether or not the given cards represent a Set. A value of True means that the group is a set. A value of False means that the group is not a set.

def is_a_set(card1, card2, card3):
    Determines whether a group of 3 cards is a _set_ or not.
    `card1 (card)`: A card object to compare against other card objects.
    `card2 (card)`: A card object to compare against other card objects.
    `card3 (card)`: A card object to compare against other card objects.
    `return (boolean)`: Whether or not the given cards represent a _Set_. A value of `True` means that the group is
        a set. A value of `False` means that the group is _not_ a set.
    for attribute in ["color", "shape", "shading", "number"]:
        if (SetGame.__all_unique([
            ]) is False
                and SetGame.__all_same([
                ]) is False):
            return False
    # Did we actually make it all the way here?
    return True

def plural(

count, singular, plural)

Determines whether a response should be singular or plural, depending on the number of items being referenced.

count (integer): The number of items to adjust language for.

singular (string): The singular version of the phrasing.

plural (string): The plural version of the phrasing.

return (string): A properly-formatted string.

def plural(count, singular, plural):
    Determines whether a response should be singular or plural, depending on the number of items being referenced.
    `count (integer)`: The number of items to adjust language for.
    `singular (string)`: The singular version of the phrasing.
    `plural (string)`: The plural version of the phrasing.
    `return (string)`: A properly-formatted string.
    return "{count} {word}".format(
    ) if count == 1 else "{count} {word}".format(

Instance variables

var board

var colors

var deck

var numbers

var sets

var shadings

var shapes


def __init__(


Constructs a new instance of this class.

def __init__(self):
    Constructs a new instance of this class.
    self.colors = ["red", "green", "purple"]
    self.shapes = ["diamond", "squiggle", "oval"]
    self.shadings = ["solid", "empty", "striped"]
    self.numbers = ["one", "two", "three"]
    deck = []
    for color in self.colors:
        for shape in self.shapes:
            for shading in self.shadings:
                for number in self.numbers:
                    card = {}
                    card["color"] = color
                    card["shape"] = shape
                    card["shading"] = shading
                    card["number"] = number
    self.deck = collections.deque(deck)
    self.board = []
    self.sets = []

def deal(

self, cards=12)

Deals a given number of cards from the top (front) of the deck.

cards (integer): The number of cards to deal out to the board. The default value is 12.

return (cards[]): A list (i.e., array) of objects representing cards.

def deal(self, cards=12):
    Deals a given number of cards from the top (front) of the deck.
    `cards (integer)`: The number of cards to deal out to the board. The default value is `12`.
    `return (cards[])`: A list (i.e., array) of objects representing cards.
    out = []
    for _ in six.moves.range(cards):
    return out

def play(


Play a (chatty) game of Set.

return (void)

def play(self):  # pragma: no cover
    Play a (chatty) game of Set.
    `return (void)`
    # pylint: disable=R0915
    # Introduction
    print("Welcome to a game of Set.")
    six.moves.input("=> Press any key to continue...")
    # First deal
    print("Dealing 12 cards onto the board.")
    self.board =
    print("Cards on the board: {}".format(len(self.board)))
    print("Cards in the deck:  {}".format(len(self.deck)))
    print("Sets discovered:    {}".format(len(self.sets)))
    six.moves.input("=> Press any key to continue...")
    while len(self.deck) > 0:
        # Find sets
        sets = self.find_sets(self.board)
        print("Discovered {quantity}.".format(
            quantity=SetGame.plural(len(sets), "set", "sets")
        for i, sset in enumerate(sets):
            print("Set #{index}".format(index=(i + 1)))
        print("These are the remaining {quantity} on the board.".format(
            quantity=SetGame.plural(len(self.board), "card", "cards")
        self.sets += sets
        six.moves.input("=> Press any key to continue...")
        # Deal 3 more cards
        self.board +=
        print("Dealing 3 more cards. You now have {quantity} on the board.".format(
            quantity=SetGame.plural(len(self.board), "card", "cards")
        print("Cards on the board: {}".format(len(self.board)))
        print("Cards in the deck:  {}".format(len(self.deck)))
        print("Sets discovered:    {}".format(len(self.sets)))
        six.moves.input("=> Press any key to continue...")
    # Find the very last set(s)
    sets = self.find_sets(self.board)
    print("Discovered {quantity}.".format(
        quantity=SetGame.plural(len(sets), "set", "sets")
    for i, sset in enumerate(sets):
        print("Set #{index}".format(index=(i + 1)))
    print("These are the remaining {quantity} on the board.".format(
        quantity=SetGame.plural(len(self.board), "card", "cards")
    self.sets += sets
    six.moves.input("=> Press any key to continue...")
    # No more cards in the deck.
    print("There are no more cards left in the deck.")
    print("These are the {} that are left on the table.".format(
        SetGame.plural(len(self.board), "card", "cards")
    six.moves.input("=> Congratulations! You have completed the game. Press any key to see the results.")
    # Final score.
    print("You discovered {quantity}.".format(
        quantity=SetGame.plural(len(self.sets), "set", "sets")
    for i, sset in enumerate(self.sets):
        print("Set #{index}".format(index=(i + 1)))
    # All done.
    print("Please play again!")

def play_quiet(


Play a (quiet) game of Set.

return (tuple(integer, sets[])): Returns a tuple where the first item is the number of Sets discovered. The second item is the complete list of Sets.

def play_quiet(self):
    Play a (quiet) game of Set.
    `return (tuple(integer, sets[]))`: Returns a tuple where the first item is the number of Sets discovered. The
        second item is the complete list of Sets.
    self.board =
    # Find sets and re-deal until we are out of cards.
    while len(self.deck) > 0:
        self.sets += self.find_sets(self.board)
        self.board +=
    # Find the very last set(s).
    self.sets += self.find_sets(self.board)
    # Return a tuple
    return (len(self.sets), self.sets)